Page name: Brits Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-12-19 22:07:12
Last author: Lord Kügenheim
Owner: Goldice
# of watchers: 16
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Brits United


Welcome to brits United! Home of all you british people out there! Ask me [Goldice] if you would like to join. We dont actually have anything against people who arent british.. but we still rock!


[Lord Kügenheim] has been working hard to bring you a spiffy new layout!
Members have been moved to a separate members page.
And we have 20 members!!!


Brits Unite - Members
Brits Unite - Banners


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2004-04-08 [Goldice]: hello.this is my page. as i said, who wants tea?

2004-04-08 [Lord Kügenheim]: Heylo, loooke me im writing a comment wooo!!! I want some tea!!

2004-04-08 [Goldice]: ok and toast and marshmallows?evryone help yourself to anything you want.anything you cant have is screwed down.

2004-04-08 [Lord Kügenheim]: No just tea thanks.... oh well if i must *steals tray*

2004-04-08 [Goldice]: the tray is screwed down. the lil' marshmallow men will tourment you if you eat the purple mallows

2004-04-09 [owlkid]: Yes, well i'm sure the frivolities are numerous, but please could be we take on moment to relish in the fact that the best place in Britain is Scotland (Land of The Brave)

2004-04-09 [Goldice]: yes well we all have r own opinions

2004-04-12 [Lord Kügenheim]: Although im not Scottish i have to admit the fact that a True englishman is a scotsman. Rock on Scotland!

2004-04-13 [Goldice]: lol

2004-04-14 [Captain Backfire]: scottish peeps are strong and couragous but england rules the roost around britain!

2004-04-14 [Lord Kügenheim]: It doesnt realy matter who is the best, i mean Great Britain is and always will be THE most powerful country on the planet, dont listen to the americans. We kick their butt in war games all the time.

2004-04-14 [Goldice]: this isnt a place to argue about whcih country is best. its a place for people to chat and to be friendly.thankyou

2004-04-15 [Lord Kügenheim]: it is true tho....

2004-04-15 [Goldice]: it may be but u young man should no better than 2 argue

2004-04-15 [Lord Kügenheim]: Hey i wasnt arguing anyway! i was merely stating that were better than the americans...

2004-04-15 [Goldice]: i no that but they may not appreciate it

2004-04-15 [Lord Kügenheim]: well they should learn to, because where i come from we dont like americans... My CO certainly doesnt....

2004-04-16 [Goldice]: CO? wats tht

2004-04-16 [Lord Kügenheim]: Commanding Officer. Hese the guy in charge of my Squadron at the Air Cadets

2004-04-16 [Goldice]: o ksorry me bad

2004-04-16 [Lord Kügenheim]: its ok ^_^

2004-04-20 [Asfaloth]: *pokes head round corner* Hey hoo!

2004-04-21 [Goldice]: hello

2004-04-21 [Lord Kügenheim]: Hi de ho there! What would you like **gives tray**

2004-04-21 [Asfaloth]: Ooh! *takes tray* food! Food is good! I'd also like to join *sneaks mars bar into pocket*

2004-04-21 [Goldice]: and wat bout a drink? you nameit and we'll have it

2004-04-21 [Asfaloth]: Tea bitte.

2004-04-21 [Goldice]: ta.any thing added, anythings availble

2004-04-21 [Asfaloth]: wa?

2004-04-21 [Goldice]: well like milk, sugar o bit of whisky

2004-04-21 [Asfaloth]: oh, just a tad milk thanks.

2004-04-22 [Goldice]: ok

2004-04-23 [Asfaloth]: ta, so whereabouts do you guys live (don't worry - I'm not a pervert or a rapist!)

2004-04-24 [Goldice]: east anglia

2004-04-24 [Asfaloth]: Somerset

2004-04-24 [Lord Kügenheim]: Hartlepool

2004-04-25 [Asfaloth]: where's that?

2004-04-25 [Lord Kügenheim]: NE England

2004-04-26 [Asfaloth]: Okees - soz, I've heard of it before though

2004-05-06 [Lord Kügenheim]: Woah.... wipes the dust away.... its all old in here.... no one has posted for donkeys!

2004-05-06 [Goldice]: i no.i think we have 2 promote more.*cough*cough* sorry the dust gets to me

2004-05-06 [Goldice]: #ahhhhhhh a spider#

2004-05-06 [Asfaloth]: ooh - house spider

2004-05-21 [Evil Faerie Feline]: awww cute lil spider

2004-05-23 [Goldice]: they giv me the creeps

2004-05-23 [Nevermore.]: hi!!

2004-05-23 [Evil Faerie Feline]: wtf r ppl scared of spiders for?

2004-05-23 [Nevermore.]: spiders are cool!

2004-05-23 [Goldice]: one crawled across my face wen i was bout 3 nd i woke up to find thid spider sitin on my cheek.thts y they scare me

2004-05-23 [Nevermore.]: my cousin used to have a tranchala, it waz so cool! but it died

2004-05-23 [Goldice]: *shudder*

2004-05-23 [Nevermore.]: but the little spidi was soooo cute!

2004-05-23 [Evil Faerie Feline]: i want a tarantula

2004-05-23 [Goldice]: little?u sed it was a bloody tarantula they aint little

2004-05-23 [Evil Faerie Feline]: they r'nt that big

2004-05-23 [Nevermore.]: well, i like it any way!

2004-05-23 [Asfaloth]: btw can I join - puuurdy please?

2004-05-25 [Goldice]: all dun

2004-05-26 [Asfaloth]: YAY!!! thanks - woot!

2004-05-26 [Kt_says]: does half brit count?

2004-05-26 [Kt_says]: hey, okay...i have a question... waht american word is bloody equivallent to? i've been trying to figure it out...

2004-05-27 [Evil Faerie Feline]: it isnt is it?

2004-05-27 [Kt_says]: well would you consider it a bad word?

2004-05-28 [Evil Faerie Feline]: not really

2004-05-28 [Kt_says]: k. thanks.

2004-05-28 [Goldice]: ther u go.wats the hole thing bout bloody bein a bad word?

2004-05-28 [Kt_says]: thanks again.

2004-05-31 [imsdal]: question; can you join if ur half british?

2004-05-31 [Goldice]: anyone can join regardless of ther nationality. ask [Kt_says] shell tel u that it doesnt matter.

2004-05-31 [imsdal]: aaalriiight! ^____^

2004-05-31 [Goldice]: ill ad u

2004-05-31 [Goldice]: ther u go.all dun

2004-06-01 [imsdal]: thanx so very much! ^^

2004-06-01 [Goldice]: its ok.think nuttin of it

2004-06-05 [flik1278]: brits rule!!! and euro 2004 starts in a few days

2004-06-05 [Goldice]: i no.

2004-06-06 [Lord Kügenheim]: England V France get innnn! what a brill way to start. i cant wait untill we verse the Germans 5-1!!!!

2004-06-07 [Kealey]: hey, nice a place 4 brits to talk, can i join plz? ^_^

2004-06-09 [will turner neko]: i wish i was a brit..but alas..i am not

2004-06-10 [Goldice]: u dont have 2 b a brit 2 join u no

2004-06-12 [will turner neko]: KOOL!!!

2004-06-15 [flik1278]: 5-1 indeed we rock!

2004-06-17 [will turner neko]: yes!

2004-06-17 [flik1278]: 3-0 to the champions 3-0 to the champions!!!!!!

2004-06-18 [Goldice]: we won

2004-06-28 [imsdal]: we lost.....:*(

2004-07-01 [marcus_brody]: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

2004-07-07 [NecroGod]: fucking hate elftown sometimes they be real cunt

2004-07-07 [Kt_says]: why is this?

2004-07-13 [nunt]: me's a brit. Can I join? I'm not really very patriotic though, mostly I complain about stuff... and be insane... oh, well.

2004-07-14 [GRIM4AW]: is there any british dudes in here that will talk to me? pretty please...*puppy eyes*

2004-07-14 [Goldice]: all dun [nunt]

2004-07-14 [nunt]: thanx

2004-07-15 [will turner neko]: hi [GRIM4AW]

2004-07-15 [Goldice]: thanx 2 kugy 4 r nu look wiki. evryone round of applause 4 kugy *clap*clap*clap*clap*clap*clap*

2004-07-15 [Lord Kügenheim]: hey im not finished yet! ill make it even more british when i work out how....

2004-07-15 [nunt]: *snigger*

2004-07-16 [GRIM4AW]: hi [will turner neko] and its *snicker* nunt not *snigger*

2004-07-16 [nunt]: muh! *sniggers*!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-07-16 [nunt]: *looks apologetic* ok *snickers*

2004-07-17 [Goldice]: u can do both actually

2004-07-17 [Goldice]: i wnna start a nu convo.i want 2 no wat all u lot think it means to b british.and i want semi-sensible answers

2004-07-18 [nunt]: *snickers*

2004-07-27 [GRIM4AW]: XD

2004-07-28 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: ou i want to be a member here

2004-07-28 [Goldice]: ok i will add u my dear

2004-07-28 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: YaY

2004-07-28 [Goldice]: all dun

2004-07-29 [nunt]: so, are many of you here (British) artists? Do many of you use colour pencil? I need some info/advice

2004-07-29 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: wat, why r u asking?

2004-07-30 [nunt]: I need some info/advice about colour pencils in GB, so any experts out there?

2004-07-30 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: not me

2004-08-08 [Goldice]: try asking on the galleries. they have space for comments so just find a pencil drawing and ask bout it.xx

2004-08-12 [will turner neko]: hihi

2004-08-12 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: ello

2004-08-16 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: can i join? I'm from Jersey, does that matter I've got a brittish passport though

2004-08-16 [nunt]: It's just that half the pencils everone seems to like can't be got in the UK...

2004-08-17 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: wat, were u born in england, or have u lived in england before

2004-08-17 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: I was born in Jersey (channel island), but got an english passport 'cos my gran was from england or something...

2004-08-17 [Goldice]: yep i will add u no probs.

2004-08-17 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: yay :)

2004-08-18 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: welcome new member!

2004-08-18 [livingdeadgurl]: hmmm i wonder if i have an english passport i think i do just not in my posseshon currently

2004-08-18 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hi!... thx for the welcome :D  ,[livingdeadgurl]... you don't know what kinda passport you've got? lol, oh well :)

2004-08-18 [livingdeadgurl]: well im half british (i wish i had a hot english accent :()

2004-08-18 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hehe... I sound like an ozzie, but it's just the strange jersey accent :)

2004-08-18 [livingdeadgurl]: lol well im half british and half irish and i dont have an accent at all (other thern a canadian one lol)

2004-08-18 [nunt]: uh?

2004-08-18 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: makes sense to me :D

2004-08-18 [livingdeadgurl]: yeah lol

2004-08-19 [Goldice]: [livingdeadgurl] do u wnna b a memba?

2004-08-19 [shadow xiv]: hey goldice could you make me a member please? ^_^

2004-08-19 [Goldice]: yeh i sure can.

2004-08-19 [livingdeadgurl]: yes i would like ta be a member if thats auight wwith u

2004-08-19 [Goldice]: yeh thts fine.all done

2004-08-19 [livingdeadgurl]: yay 4 me!! thanky for u!!

2004-08-19 [Goldice]: its probs

2004-09-04 [-shadowflame-]: hello?

2004-09-04 [nunt]: ahem. Hello all. Plz look at new rpg Aldálon

2004-09-11 [Keii]: Hey ^^

2004-09-11 [Goldice]: yum truffle icecream

2004-09-11 [sexy mama-2-b]: hello.

2004-09-11 [Goldice]: do we have a nu member?

2004-09-11 [livingdeadgurl]: hi

2004-09-11 [Goldice]: [sexy mama-2-b] do u wnna join?

2004-09-11 [Goldice]: hey ldg

2004-09-11 [livingdeadgurl]: hey how u?

2004-09-11 [Goldice]: im ok i gess thnx.u?

2004-09-11 [livingdeadgurl]: meh im auight........

2004-09-11 [Goldice]: gdgd.u dont sound so sure?

2004-09-11 [livingdeadgurl]: im never so shur........but o well its auight ...i iz bored..


2004-09-16 [Pin-Up]: please

2004-09-17 [Goldice]: ok

2004-09-17 [Goldice]:

all done m'dear

2004-09-17 [livingdeadgurl]: aww dat sounded kool da way u wrote that

2004-09-18 [Goldice]: lol i try

2004-09-18 [livingdeadgurl]: haha goodgood

2004-09-26 [Lord Kügenheim]:


Brand new layout and 2 new pages added! Also theres a new banner so can everyone change the old one!!

2004-10-18 [lowdown]: ill join since goldice asked me

2004-10-18 [livingdeadgurl]: oo new banner shoot this is the wiki i left out when i was doin that.......

2004-10-31 [Goldice]: ok ill add u hang on

2004-12-03 [XMiss PissX]: british people rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-12-04 [livingdeadgurl]: wuhoo britishness!!

2004-12-04 [Goldice]: indeed

2004-12-05 [livingdeadgurl]: ok ima dork when im hyper aparently cuz i dont even remember writting that

2004-12-05 [Goldice]: never mind.we've all done it

2004-12-05 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: haha.. *points and laughs at the dorky dgurl* =D 

2004-12-06 [livingdeadgurl]: *glomps ddgirl*

2004-12-06 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hihihi... *glomps dgurl back* :D how's you?

2004-12-06 [livingdeadgurl]: hehe....meh shitty and u?

2004-12-07 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: I'm fine... but I got mega stoned last night, never had it that bad before... it was like your brain can't focus on anything for more then 10 seconds, and everything looked kinda strange + I always get that dizzy effect, but last night was just freaky.... kinda cool though :p

2004-12-07 [livingdeadgurl]: lol smooth move

2004-12-07 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hehe... I smoked a spliff that prob. had enough weed in it for 3 normal spliffs or something :p ...I won't do that again :D

2004-12-07 [Lord Kügenheim]: you shouldnt smoke weed, its bad for your health XD

2004-12-07 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: but fun :p accept when you have too much, then it's super weird... but still kinda fun, when you realize you aren't actaully falling and your room isn't actually moving all around you xD

2004-12-08 [livingdeadgurl]: lol u crazy ddgirl

2004-12-08 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hehe :p I'm a wild thing ;) the modern day thelma & louise mixed into one girl, me! xD somebody once told me that =)

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